Sunday, October 19, 2014


Activity for Sergio and his friends at 4th Grade Primary

We obtain NUTRIENTS by eating FOOD and drinking WATER. There are 3 TYPES OF FOOD according to the NUTRIENTS they contain:
- Energy-producing food (carbohydrates & fats) to get energy.
- Body-building food (proteins) to grow.
- Body-regulating food (vitamines, minerals and fibre) to prevent illness.

The human DIGESTIVE SYSTEM is made up of:
- THE DIGESTIVE TRACK: mouth, pharynx, oesophagus. stomach, small intestine, large intestine & anus.
- THE DIGESTIVE GLANDS: salivary glands, liver & pancreas.

The DIET is the food and water that a person consumes every day but a HEALTHY DIET is one that contains enough of the nutrients and water the body needs.

Important things TO BE HEALTHY:
- follow FOOD SAFETY rules.

So here is a link to DO PHYSICAL EXERCISE on line. You have all studied hard and you need to rest. I hope you enjoy it:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

AUTUMN (Br. English) / FALL (Am. English)

Summer is my favourite season  although many people like Autumn. Well, it is a romantic time, the country looks beautiful, there are mushrooms, pines, acorns and leaves on the ground that crack when you walk on them. The  leaves of the trees get a bunch of warm colours yellow, orange, red and brown.
Many years ago I got a SCHOLARSHIP as a TEACHING ASSISTANT at a University in the US. I had finished my DEGREE in English Philology and I had the unforgettable expirience to work and live in the most beautiful area of the States in FALL: New England. There the colours of the trees range from light yellow to bright red even orange, pink and golden brown. The forests shine as if they were on fire. It is a phenomenon called the INDIAN SUMMER which is probably unique in the world. I worked at Williams College, Massachusetts, a quiet town surrounded by colorful mountains with a smell of wet wood that comes to my senses every Fall season wherever I am.
Here are some photos of that Fall in 1993.

 But there are also beautiful Autumn scenes in Spain, too. Enjoy the season!
San Pedro de Rocas, Galicia, 2003

Soria, 2001